Friday night's basketball game between Rocky Grove and Farrell was ... interesting... umm, to say the least. It had a lot of stuff going on. Due to an incident earlier in the year between the two schools, a couple of members of the Venango County sheriff's department had a very visible presence. But energy in the room remained high from the beach themed super fans. |
On the court there appeared to be fouls that weren't followed by whistles, and whistles that did not seem to be proceeded by fouls and whistles that went off the same time as other whistles for conflicting calls. There were a lot of whistles.
There was an abundance of penalty free throws due to five technical fouls and one flagrant foul. There was just a lot of fouls - 50 according to one fan.
And in between it all, two teams of kids on the verge of becoming adults tried to play a game.
Rocky Grove ends their regular season next week with a game in Jamestown on Tuesday and Senior Night at home Friday against Commodore Perry.