My dream of capturing a photo in the theme of the "Birds and Blooms" magazine maybe falls somewhere between those two adages.
The only flowers present were the plastic ones on the feeder. It seemed to me that a lot of my bird pictures were missing the blooms part. However, even action photos at the feeders seemed nearly impossible as the hummers kept avoiding the camera. They would feed at the port on the opposite side, thwarting my tries.

The act was actually kind of uplifting for me.
The particular calibrachoa or million bells plant in question was one that I had tried to keep alive throughout the winter. It looked terrible as I brought it out this spring.
Nonetheless, to my surprise it flourished and possibly looked even fuller than it did last season.

While, I couldn't get the butterflies or birds to pose with the foxglove, I was able to get a bloodhound to. Clem posed pretty with the posies while the other dogs just ignored my pleas.
Of course, Clem just posed in the flowers and didn't eat them. While foxglove is pretty all parts of the plant are poisonous to animals and humans.
However, the plant is used to make a medication for the heart.
I turned to a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson for some answers, "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." I hope to keep growing as I hope my flowers keep growing.
That's just the nature of things 'round here.