"The Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code requires that each county have a comprehensive plan. This plan states the objectives of the county concerning its future development..." said county planning commission executive director Hilary Buchanan.
The county's last plan was done in 2004, and much of that plan has been implemented or is now outdated with current needs, so it is time for a new one, according to Buchanan. And the county needs people to participate in the process in order to make it successful.
- 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 8, 737 Elk St. in Franklin.
- 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 15, Great Room, National Transit Building, 206 Seneca St. in Oil City.
- 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 22, Cherrytree Township municipal building, 1311 Cherrytree Road.
- 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesday, March 1, Clintonville fire hall, 501 Emlenton St.
The county is looking for feedback and suggestions on a variety of topics. "The plan must address the protection of natural and historic resources and include a plan for the reliable supply of water," Buchanan said. "In addition, the plan will include implementation strategies and possible funding sources used to accomplish the stated goals."
Among the items they will be looking at include the location, type and timing of future development, land use, housing needs, transportation, community facilities and utilities. "The plan covers the needs of the entire county, down to the local government level. Items such as education, recreation, municipal buildings, fire and police stations, libraries, hospitals, water supply and distribution, sewerage and waste treatment, solid waste management, storm drainage, and flood plain management, utility corridors and associated facilities, and other similar facilities or uses are addressed," she said.
"We have some general topics based on the objectives of the MPC, but it is just as important for the public to bring their own ideas and aspirations. We want this plan to represent the goals and needs of the residents of the county," she said.
The meetings are an early step in putting together the plan. Buchanan said the next steps will include gathering additional information through surveys, analyzing existing conditions and trends, and forming focus groups. The plan is expected to be completed in April 2024.
For more information, contact Buchanan at 814-432-9682 or [email protected].