The story of class of 2021 at Franklin High School may be one of perseverance and adaptation. COVID-19 lingered into their school year like a crazy uncle who came for a visit over a year ago and just won't leave. This class was no different than any other class, they had their wallflower, their artsy ones, the fashionistas, the jocks, the academics, the confident and the awkward. Just like every class before them. But a class is never a singular entity that can be completely pigeon-holed in a series of definitions. Every single person has their own unique story and each brings a perspective to the class that helps us understand the many different paths that lie ahead. For many a fork in the road is before them. As Yogi Berra would say, they "should take it." These 108 individuals will take their unique stories out into the world. Some will go to work, some will go to school, some will start families soon, others may wait, others still may not ever. Some will transform into something no one would expect and others will seem as if they never aged a day. Some have already joined the military. |
Wherever they head next, they take with them the experience of being this class, at this school and at this time.
Sunday's graduation was held at the football stadium instead of their traditional march from Central Elementary School through Fountain Park for the ceremony in Bandstand Park. In years past the ceremony would be held in the high school's auditorium if inclement weather. In 2020 they held individualized ceremonies due to COVID.
Several teachers said that the move to the football stadium may be permanent, though they will likely make it an evening ceremony to avoid the mid afternoon sun-drenching heat
This was not a tradition.
Lusher had to devise a scheme to surprise the class treasuer, Janna Harvey with a very special surprise. Her sister Jill had snuck back into town the night before and stayed with a friend. As Jenna stood with her eyes closed reflecting on her service she could feel the medal being put over her mortar board and around her neck, what she didn't know was Lusher had handed the medal to Jill to do the honors.
When Lusher told Jenna she could open her eyes, Jenna exploded with Joy wrapping her arms around her big sister in a gigantic hug as the entire class watched.
And then it was time to get the party started.
Below are more photos from the day and a link to even more photos.
Everyone has a story.