"You are my sunshine, My only sunshine. You make me happy When skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, How much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away"... well maybe it's ok for like four minutes because this was cool. Mercyhurst University, like many area institutes of higher learning, planned around this once in a lifetime Erie solar eclipse event. They had educational opportunities, they bought reams of protective glasses to hand out and other swag and opened up their athletic fields for all their students and many other visitors to the area. Hundreds of folks played games and set up blankets on the Lakers turf fields and hopes the clouds would part enough for a clear view of the total eclipse. If you've never experienced one, there are folks who are in awe and they applaud the moon when it appears to "snap" into place. There are interesting phenomena that appear in pinholes devices and within shadows as the whole world gets a tad surreal for a few minutes in the middle of the day. |
The slightly overcast day actually helped as there is no better filter than the clouds.