Baker was taking the write-in challenge seriously. "Write in campaigns don't usually work, but they can," he said a couple weeks when Eight & 322 profiled each candidate.
"I'm certainly happy to have the support of the community." Baker said Tuesday night after it was clear he had won reelection. " I look forward to continuing the work we have been doing. We have some exciting projects already in progress. Miller Sibley for one and new light poles on Liberty street. These projects are usually years in the making. Most of our local tax dollars are spent on public safety so we have to find money elsewhere for discretionary projects," he said looking forward at the next four years.
Challenger Rudegeair remains on city council and hopes to push for some of the things he campaigned on. "Thanks to all those supported me," he said Tuesday night. "Hopefully the changes {those who voted for me] wanted to see will still happen. He said he has brought many of these ideas up in council and will continue to work for the city to improve.
Reports from the election board indicated moderate to low voter turnout county-wide with no real problem anywhere. These election results will be certified and become official by week's end.there are 67 additional write in votes that will be checked to see if they are for Rudegeair or others who were written in.
Former county commissioner Vince Witherup was on hand at the courthouse annex helping with the election results returning from the precincts.