The Children and Youth Services program, the Truancy Outreach Program of Venango County began the Summer Food Service Program after the school's COVID-19 programs ran out.
"We tried to make it as seamless a transition between the school lunch program and ours." said program director Matthew Haines.
In the past the program provided lunches for people in areas they could come and sit to eat. Due to COVID-19 restrictions the program now allows the grab and go, so families are taking home bags filled with lunch and breakfast foods. Because of the change they are cold lunches. The meals around the county are being prepared at Hasson and Central Elementary Schools as well as a handful of other locations such as churches.
The first meal pickups last week they served over 1,100 breakfasts and lunches. The meals are free to any child 18 and under that lives in Venango County. There are 22 sites in the county.
"We always want to serve more," said Brooke Hoffman one of the group's organizers.
The program is funded through the United States Department of Agriculture and the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Click on the below fliers to learn more about the program and find a location for meal pick-ups. Staff members from the county are aided by dozens of volunteers all hoping area children are getting enough nutrition this summer.
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