The FASD board unanimously accepted Gavin's resignation, which was submitted Friday for personal reasons. Then immediately voted, again unanimously, to name Holoman to the position.
"Tom is a proven leader," said school board vice-president Andy Boland after Monday evening's work session. School board president Sabrina Backer had to leave the meeting early. Boland said Holoman has put several initiatives in place and has accomplished everything he set out to do. "He has earned the trust of the board," he said.
Franklin has been without a permanent superintendent since Mark Loucks abruptly left the position earlier this year. Holoman was approved to serve in the acting spot for up to a year or until a permanent candidate is appointed.
Holoman, who also applied for the full-time superintendent position, said "I will help the district in any way I can until a superintendent is hired. Franklin is a great community and I am honored to serve." He was unsure how his job as principal will be handled during this time as acting superintendent.
One of the first actions he will have to address is what to do about the vacant music department position at Victory Elementary. The possible elimination of the position caused a bit of a community uproar last week. Holoman said he supports the music program and will look into whether the job should be reposted or not.
Music was a major topic at Monday's meeting. The jazz band played prior to the meeting to warm-up and then by request when the board went into executive session. They then played a few songs during the meeting. Band director Steve Johnston showcased songs from the upcoming Jazz band performance scheduled for Wednesday. He also spoke about the diverse talents of the music program before pulling out Gracia Riddle from behind her saxophone to sing "Respect", made popular by Aretha Franklin. Johnston said he didn't realize how well Riddle sang until he heard her perform the song earlier this spring the the school's "Broadcast" show.
Boland reiterated after the meeting the decision is not for the board to make, but agreed the music program at Franklin is special. "They are the best band in the whole state, At football games the other schools give them (marching band) standing ovations," he said.
Though he hasn't really started his duties of acting superintendent, Holoman, who formerly served as principal at Victory Elementary School, said he appreciated everyone coming out to the meeting and will look into the options. "I value our music programs."
A vote was taken to moving forward with $206,972 in roof repairs to Sandycreek Elementary School. Work will be done by Strongland Roofing Systems and the vote gets the project underway sooner than previously expected.
Other items discussed were
- The final general fund budget with anticipated revenues of $37,819,921, expenditures of $39,035,587, and a $1,215,666 fund balance drawdown with no tax increase;
- A recommendation to approve Metz Culinary Inc. to remain as the food service provider;
- The presentation of the graduating class list of 146 students; and
- A list of supplemental contracts for coaches, clubs and other positions for the 2022-23 school year.
The formal school board business meeting will be at 7 p.m. May 23 in the high school library.