Bible is the gutsy owner of the colorful and fun Olive Vault on Liberty Street in Franklin. She and her husband bought a building with a lot of space and potential. Their shop has successfully grown from a little shop hidden inside a building to a full blown main street storefront in downtown Franklin.
They sell olive oil and vinegars.
In a small town in northwest Pennsylvania where pierogis and fried anything is king, they sell olive oils and vinegars. Try selling this business model here? Well the Bible's did and are finding ways to make their dream grow.
Enter Benson who is a world class chef and culinary business advisor to projects all over the world. She is hired by billionaires to cook for them in exotic lands, helps foodie type businesses establish, and sets up shop in kitchen galley's on million dollar yacht's and paradise homes. But roots are strong and she finds herself back home in Franklin, starting a restaurant of her own.
The Homegrown Kitchen is a work in progress. Set up in the back of Bible's shop, Benson is currently offering takeout meals and with possible inside table and chair dining just around the corner.
"We are not good for each other," Bible joked about this relationship with Benson. "I have big ideas, Danielle has big ideas... we need someone keep us grounded."
But their big ideas are soaring this building on the corner of Liberty and Rotary Way alley into into a foodie center centerpiece in downtown Franklin
Starting Tuesday morning, their outside the box thinking will result in Franklinites being able to get a sweet cup of joe, some tasty treats and other specialty drinks from a walk up window along Rotary Way, an ADA compliant walkway between Buffalo and Liberty streets.
Coffee In Between is the latest big idea brainchild of Bible and Benson who saw a void needing to be filled.
Bible said even if Bossa Nova sells the business to a new coffee shop owner she thinks this venture will still be worth the effort. "They have a big space and a place for music," she said welcoming the opportunity for that type of venue to remain in Franklin. Bible said this town is so unique that anyway to bring people downtown to enjoy what it has to offer is good.
And no better way to do that than with a cup of coffee in hand.
Fun stuff to try.
To keep an eye on what they offer, visit their Facebook page or stop at the Olive Vault. You can also knock gently on the alley window during their hours and you'll get a smile and a chance to get just what you need to make your morning soar. And in the coming months look for some outside seating and special events in the alley too.