COVID-19 showed us, out of necessity, something, that if we're paying attention, could possibly even help us one day have less seasonal flu or even the common cold. Learning about this could make us healthier in the future.
There is a lot of debate about loss of freedom and following scare tactics of others, but if we just take a few moments to just look at the science we can argue we should have had mask wearing and sanitizer obsessions years ago. Perhaps a part of our culture.
We grew up learning to respect each other by offering my hand in greeting. Our culture is basically a warm one. We touch and we share. But we're leaning the OCD germ-a-phobe ones perhaps knew something the rest of us didn't.
We can have kindness in our eyes withoout spreading germs through touch and close talking.
Masks are not perfect but they do two things very well, they do significantly slow the transfer of little air droplets leaving our body through our mouth and nose and they give warning to others that you are masked and therefor concerned about your health as well as mine.
So we can now act socially responsible to the others needs and desires.
For those that say they do nothing other than show a compliance to those wishing to control us on some sick level, I say, look at the science from top rated institutions, not just somebody wearing a white lab coat infront of an impressive building. And consider the possibility that we can actually become healthier in the long run. If nothing else just look at the common sense, if you filter your breath at all it will slow the distance of the spread.
I hate wearing a mask, as a photographer who wears glasses it has made my job 50 times more difficult and frustrating. But I wear one because I have people I care about and if I have any little fraction of this deadly virus unknowingly in me, I do not want to spread it to anyone.
And with this surge of cases we can never be sure we don't have this virus.
Sadly, it has been a tough sell around these parts. We are seeing the numbers of positive cases and deaths grow. I covered dozens of events this year where masks were not heavily used. And though no one event in the area can be tied to this spread now, I cannot help but think that one event spread it to two people who then spread it to two peaple and then the next event spread it to two more and so on.
Maybe by the end we'll know that masks are not taking away our civil liberties at all and instead insuring we can debate what liberty really stands for in a more healthy environment with less viruses being spread around someday.
In May I posted my selfie above with the following based on making the mask with an old "Make A Difference Day" t-shirt.
I took this selfie yesterday because I had just cut up an old t-shirt and decided it could be a mask.
Make a difference.
I've long been a recycler of old and oft discarded materials. Too me there is purpose after purpose for everything with the right frame of mind.
Make a difference.
In this day and age we are faced with a really tough thing.... and there are so many thoughts floating around out there. It is hard to know which ones have validity or what direction to go personally.
Make a difference.
To me, wearing a mask tells others that I care about them.
Make a difference.
There is an incubation period for COVID-19. Even if tested today, we could be exposed to and therefore carry the virus seconds after being tested.
Make a difference.
I've decided, personally, I do not want to be someone who carries this virus to another. If I am unfortunate enough to get it, let the virus living within me, die in me, not go to another.
Make a difference.
Today, as I was searching for a feature picture of the day I drove down into Oil City. I feel like I need to do an Oil City story. I really feel, in the last month, I haven't been in the city enough. Having spent nearly every day over the last five years there, and then suddenly not, I felt almost like a stranger. I was sad actually. I just love the town, but am not there enough anymore.
Make a difference.
But I walked around wearing a mask thinking how much we have changed in the last month or so. People's eyes look different, we all react different toward one another..... but we are not spreading the virus....fingers crossed.
Make a difference.
So there are a ton of folks making masks out there and I am thrilled about this. I see too many people not wearing masks and I wonder why they think their ego is more important than my health. Especially when it doesn't have to cost anything to make a make-shift mask that does work. We all have a ton of old t-shirts in our drawers and rag bags.
Make a difference.
I decided that purging more old t-shirts and clothes can increase the number of potential masks I have. I hope folks realize that I'm not doing this because of some highfalutin ideal, rather to show those around me I care about them. And I do. I really don't want to be the one who transfers a virus to you.
Make a difference.
Be safe!