"Oh he's passed by at least three times," one person holding a Biden sign said about a motorist who gunned his engine and blew out thick black smoke from his exhaust as he yelled Trump 2020. The previous week another person laid down a heavy rubber burn in front of the group, another sign holder said.
Sam Amendola said what he is seeing is similar to what he saw with Obama in the county. "I'm optimistic," he said Friday as he and a couple dozen Venango County supporters of Joe Biden waved flags in front of the courthouse. Amendola has handed out nearly 2,000 Biden signs already this year which is higher than in 2016 for Clinton. He admits the Clinton campaign was terribly late getting signs out, but this year he is seeing more signs in the area that are counteracting the overwhelmingly Republican county that supports Donald Trump. Even Friday several signs were passed out and taken home. As the Biden supporters assembled, all wearing masks, they were greeted with several honks, a few blasts of heavy truck exhaust and more than one "single-finger salutes" from motorists on the busy Liberty Street in Franklin. "Oh he's passed by at least three times," one person holding a Biden sign said about a motorist who gunned his engine and blew out thick black smoke from his exhaust as he yelled Trump 2020. The previous week another person laid down a heavy rubber burn in front of the group, another sign holder said. Amendola and the Democrats know they are out numbered in the county but plan to organize and show their support for candidate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris every Friday somewhere. Longtime Democrat Ed Scurry, who was featured a couple weeks back on this website as the lone Democrat in front of the courthouse, said they plan to assemble in Oil City next week. He said he isn't opposed to being the lone wolf if need be in Franklin. A week ago the plan was to be in Oil City but it rained so much Scurry found himself alone again. So he drove back to Franklin to stand alone there in front of the courthouse with many motorists passing by. "If I'm gonna get wet, I might as well be closer to home," the Vietnam War veteran said. Two other Biden supporters stood socially distanced across the road Friday. "This is how we celebrate [our anniversary,]" said Bob Hines of Franklin who stood with his former fiscal conservative republican wife, Jan. Friday was their 32nd anniversary. "I celebrated my birthday the same way," Jan said. Jan admitted being a Republican for many years but said she doesn't recognize the current Republican Party. Her husband said that people say that he hates Trump because he's not a Democrat. He takes exception to that argument. "If Donald Trump ran as a democrat, he still would not have gotten my vote," Bob Hines said. Amendola said their are several large Biden billboards that will be going up around the county and he and several other democrats are planning to keep showing support for their candidate over the next two months until the election. "I'm optimistic this time," Amendola repeated as he handed out signs.
Barbara Behringer
9/5/2020 07:05:58 am
I would like to have a yard sign but don't know where to obtain one.
Sam Amendola
9/5/2020 09:52:36 am
Give me a call........Will get you a sign
Aimee Reed
9/5/2020 01:17:39 pm
I'm interested in getting involved! Would love to know more about other possible events happening around the area. Thanks for all you've done to lift up Democratic voices in an area that can seem a bit hostile at times.
Sam Amendola
9/5/2020 03:02:19 pm
Aimee.......good 👍to hear! ✔Check our Website or FB for upcoming events. We will be in Oil City on Frr, September 11_th @ the Electralloy intersection. Look for us!_6. PM
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