You may ask yourself why this matters in a post about Rocky Grove High School's graduation... it doesn't.
But it is all this old photographer could think about as I covered the 59 graduating seniors walking up on stage, between two giant ferns, to receive their diplomas.
Only a lovely family member waving an upside down program got my mind off this funny observation when I realized that yes, the 2020-21 school year was indeed upside down.
Vincent came right out and said that his father often says he isn't as smart as his son.
That’s a good father.
It’s also a good son who acknowledges the intelligence of his father, which Vincent followed with a great tale of chopping wood. Vincent, who earn the class's second highest ranking, said he had no idea really on how to chop wood. His dad, stepped in to show the young man how easy it really was.
Virtually everyone in the crowd understood the story.
Vincent is about to head off into the military to do important work using his brain, and he has his father's wisdom to thank for that.
In my high school class, there was a gentleman who didn’t finish with us but went on to become a millionaire. He got his GED later because he felt it was necessary to do so, but his desire and his focus was beyond that which we learned in school.
God bless.
Others were less financially successful but perhaps equally fortunate in that perhaps they found their path. Perhaps I fall into this category?
Every person that walked across that stage to receive their Rocky Grove High School diploma did so because they earned the right to do so. From here, the future will be determined by the grit and tenacity of the individual regardless of their standing in the final headcount and position of the school.