Eight & 322 received this message this morning from Jennifer Cisek:
"Good morning! I just wanted to tell you that we’re on our way to Precious Paws today to donate the $1615.65 that Will raised from his Extravaganza!"
When we wrote this story a little less than a month ago Will had raised around a $1,000. The family decided to keep up the display past Christmas. The donations apparently just kept coming in.
"A lot of puppies and kitties will benefit from everyone’s generosity!" Jennifer also wrote.
Precious Paws Animal Rescue is located on Atlantic Avenue in Franklin. Will chose this organization in honor of his dog Scarlet who passed away last year.
Read about how he raised the money below.
"We kinda tried to guide him more towards giving," Jennifer said.
Will and his folks devised a plan to create a fun alley full of holiday cheer with large blow-up Santas and grinches and virtually everything you can think of Christmas and picked Precious Paws as the beneficiary of donations left.
They lined the alley next to their Elk Street house that serves the Cisek's and their neighbors mostly. They opened up for drive through and a meander around on foot viewing winter wonderland on Light-up Night in Franklin.
And they have a lot of inflatables to view.
"35," young Will said after counting them one by one while walking the length of the alley.
Will lost his friend Scarlet, the family dog this past year. When the family heard about the Christmas Tree decorating in the Fountain Park for Light-Up Night this year they decided to decorate a tree in Scarlets memory.
"He has always thought Light-Up Night was for him," Jennifer joked about her son. Since they live across the street from the park, it was a logical conclusion.
The seven year old takes Christmas and this display very serious making sure it is turned on every night. He is also quite diligent keeping the "Crazy Santa," his favorite, from being knocked over in the wind.
The display was awarded the largest display award from the Franklin Retailers Association winning Will a cool $250 which he donated to the total for Precious Paws.
The family isn't going to let a silly thing like Christmas being over get in the way to help spread holiday cheer and raise money for a good cause. The display will be up through the New Years day.