Your dollars spent here help everyone here - at least that is the local business owner’s mantra as they try to eek out a living. Add starving artist to that mix and this weekend you can really make a difference in one or more of your neighbor’s lives. There is no question that it is hard to pass up black Friday deals. And not all local businesses sell the latest Barbies style or Bluey doll. |
They will be open on Black Friday hoping not everyone is heading to the malls or outlets in other towns. And they will be open on Small Business Saturday praying everyone isn't shopped out and remembered they also rely on you to keep their doors open and their business on the tax roll.
And many will be open their doors to help support artists who may not have a storefront of their own on Artists Sunday.
You can purchase truly unique gifts with ten-fold more thought put into the purchase of them than the after thought put in at the supermarket checkout aisle where the twenty dollar gift cards to giant box stores probably owned by a committee of millionaire stakeholders who you’ll never meet.
Oil City is one community embracing the nationwide Artists Sunday movement to think outside the box with your holiday gift giving.
Whether it is affordable handcrafted jewelry or prints of paintings worth investing in as one-of-a-kind artworks.
Several Oil City businesses have invited artists from Erie, Meadville, Pittsburgh and other communities to show off their wares in their shops while they open on Sunday, their normal day off.
Also artists with studios in the National Transit building will open their studios for visitors and shoppers.
Several artists will be demonstrating their work and be available to talk making it a great educational opportunity as well.
The event kicks off at 11 a.m. with shops open and the reading of a proclamation about Oil City’s support of Artists Sunday by Mayor John Kluck. Oil City’s artist relocation plan has brought dozens of artists to the area and added to the city's tax roll and culture.
Host sites include: The National Transit Building’s artist studios, Transit Art Gallery & Gifts, Wye Bridge Hobbies, John Kluck’s 237 Catering and Events, Cork n Screw Winery, Dloniak Barbershop, Oil Region Alliance’s newly renovated Downs Building, William’s Travel, Clifford’s Carpets, Core Goods, Woods & River Coffee, Evergreen Pottery and Innis Park Studios. Maps with artist listings can be picked up at any of these locations.
More information: visit or call Barbara Pierce at 814.677.3152 x105 or email at [email protected]
This is the fifth year Oil City artists have participated in the event