The connection between the press and the phrase may seem a little farfetched, but I used the press to help recreate one of my favorite shirts.
The term “Never Walk Alone” was printed on the front of the shirt along with a hound dog and a leash.
I decided to take this phrase and design a bit further by adding a paw print and a hoof print to a hooded sweatshirt. I additionally decorated the sleeve with cutouts of representations of my walking partners. I almost ran out of room.
The back of the original shirt sported the saying, “It’s not where you walk, it’s who walks with you.”
I did not embellish the new hoodie with that for a couple of reasons. The first being, that it was plagiarism or possibly a copyright violation.
The second reason was due to the statement, “it’s who walks with you.”

Kennedy is the one who butts anyone walking beside him. The dogs have learned this. They sometimes get stuck behind Kennedy on the trail. When they attempt to pass him, they get butted.
They wait until he is distracted by food and then go around.

He also must mess with every trail camera along our path. Last week, I was far ahead when I noticed he was tampering with the trail camera at the pond. “No problem. I will fix it tomorrow, “I thought to myself as we continued on. However, that was one of the windier nights that week and unbeknownst to me, Kennedy had unhinged the camera.
The next day the camera’s memory card was full and there were more than two thousand photos of a particular tree branch swaying in the wind.
It should be noted that the dogs’ and goat should probably never walk alone for safety and sanity’s sake.

However, the raccoons’ winter den in the hollow tree has been abandoned. The masked mammals are roaming around looking for food and mates. The hollow in the tree now really seemed hollow without them.
Mammals weren’t the only critters on the move.
On Facebook, folks were posting about the spring arrival of certain birds.
Posters were seeing robins and red-winged blackbirds returning to their respective areas.
I had spotted a blackbird under our feeder, but I failed to get photo. The bird’s arrival was right on time, according to Gary Edwards. In his book “Birds of Venango County” he wrote that they arrive in mid-February.

Folks touted snowdrops and snowflakes popping through the thawing ground. More and more skunk cabbage blooms provided a little color to the woodlands.
I hoped that with these signs we were marching toward spring. I’m sure I’m not alone in wondering why this February seemed more like March with all the windy days.
The reasons behind the weather changes were a little hard to pin down.

The search additionally turned up many other song versions by various groups and singers.
The lyrics, while different in some versions, communicated that one does not have to face adversity alone.
During my search I also uncovered many, many quotes on the internet about going it alone.
There are times in life when you should walk alone and times when you shouldn’t.
Nonetheless, there are many times that I have been ready to let Kennedy walk alone.
That’s just the nature of things ‘round here.