I woke up from a decent night's sleep in a climate controlled abode and glanced at the thermometer. The outside thermometer read 65 degrees. I was delighted for a cool morning walk with the critters. While not being an often coveted work schedule, evening shift has afforded me the opportunity to walk the gang in slightly cooler temperatures. However, my delight quickly turned to dread as I glanced onto the side porch. There it was. Condensation on the sliding glass doors. Despite the cool temperature, the dreaded humidity had moved in. Nonetheless, the critters and I set out anyway. Fifteen minutes into the usually hour-long walk, I quickly regretted my outfit of choice which was a sweatshirt and jeans. The middle of the woods was not a place where I could change my ensemble. It always starts out like this on humid days. There is a cool breeze and I am motivated. However halfway through the walk, the sweat starts running. I feel like a sweaty gym towel instead of a human being. |
Nonetheless, the misty morning afforded the opportunity for some awesome pictures of the morning sun's rays as they filtered through the trees. The shafts of light seemed to appear everywhere. When the sun would appear the scene was lit with a misty green. However, as I stopped to take the photos, my glasses fogged over. There is nothing like being all sweaty and not being able to see. I sat for a moment to try to cool down. Of course Sherman, who is heavily panting by this point, decided that it is never too hot and sticky for love. He sauntered over and gives me his fuzzy butt which is shedding. He wanted me to scratch off the excess fur. The experience was like being tar and feathered, except it was with sweat and fur. After a seemly long and sticky walk, we finally made it into the comfort of the air conditioning. However that comfort was short lived, as I realized I soon would have to work in an unairconditioned shop that included the added heat of running machinery. After a long and sweaty work evening, I expected to walk out into the darkness and into what |
The national weather service posted a forecast saying a "cold front" would move it.
However, it provided little optimism about a cool down when they put the term in parentheses. I apologize to readers for the continued harping on this subject. I'm hoping that my complaining will reach Mother Nature's ears and she will let up on the horrid humidity. However, I feel she is not listening or has turned of the comments section. |