I can’t even count the multitude of times I have framed a shot perfectly only to have the execution live up to less than expectations.
However, on a few occasions the timing was right.
Many other birds are on the move right now and folks can track migration forecasts at this site.

Just the right moment could light up a photo subject in a new and interesting way.
My experiences reminded me a Facebook post that said, “I love spiderwebs as long as I am the second one on the path.”
While I’m not usually the first one on the path, my four-footed walking companions aren’t tall enough to net the spiderwebs before I get there.
I spotted a hornet’s nest with a unique design. I photographed it with a zoom lens and posted it on the PA Insects Facebook page.
A commenter posted that if I waited until the first hard frost of the year, I could harvest the nest and sell it on eBay. I surmised that some folks use nests as décor.
I talked to a coworker about this, he said he knew of someone who took a nest down after the first frost.
However, that person didn’t get to sell it on eBay as the warmth in their basement brought the bees back out.
An article on posted on www.centredaily.com, by Bill Lamont provided one answer.
“If there’s not enough water to keep all the leaves happy, shed some and send their products to those that remain. The reason the leaves often turn yellow before they drop is that the tree harvests many of the nutrients from the leaves before it sheds them, which is a simple measure of conservation of resources,” Lamont wrote.
"After a long summer drought, Pennsylvania forests were quenched by some much-needed rainfall this month, arresting premature leaf drop," said the post on the DCNR's site.
While some of the leaves in the area have turned, there was still quite a bit of green.
I had posted a photo of Gus swimming in the neighbor’s pond on a St. Bernard Facebook fan page.
I found it hard to get the drops in focus unlike when I had photographed dripping icicles in the winter. However, the sparkling water and colorful backdrop provided some interesting photos.