"Behaviorally, males can be territorial and aggressive. They can sometimes be seen wrestling other males," said a post on the Berkshire Museum's website .
The bullfrog is "a solitary creature, more so than any of our other frogs, and does not engage in chorus singing even during the breeding season," said a post on the site.
" As tadpoles, bullfrogs are herbivores who eat aquatic plants. As adults, bullfrogs are carnivorous ambush predators who eat mice, fish, birds, snakes, baby turtles, insects and anything that will fit in their wide mouths, even other bullfrogs or tadpoles," it continued.
Apparently, I needed to get Sadie a fishing license.
"This abundant frog is primarily nocturnal. That is, it is most active at night, but moves about and forages a bit during the day as well. Along with the bullfrog, it is more aquatic than many frogs. It is a medium-sized frog, slightly smaller, but otherwise similar in appearance to the bullfrog," said a post on the PA Fish and Boat Commission's website.
The boat commission's post provided further identification tips by saying, "The green frog appears in an assortment of colors and patterns. It may be a brilliant metallic green, or vary from greenish brown, or brownish to tan. Dark-brown or gray spots, some large enough to be called blotches, appear on the back, frequently in large numbers. The head and upper lip are green, which is especially noticeable in the adult male. A yellowish band runs along the jaw to the shoulders."
“Everybody loves listening to frog calls.” - Charles Carlson. “A frog in the mud is happier than a man because he has no ambition to reach the stars!” - Mehmet Murat Ildan. This quote was a little more perplexing to me and not so much inspirational. It kind of sounded to me like, don't try to be more than you are. I disagreed with that thought and also with the saying that frogs in mud were happy. The frogs I have witnessed tended to be spotted in clearer water. However, they were buried in mud during the cold winter during hibernation. “Nights can never be real and enjoyable without the croaking of frogs and the chirping of crickets.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover |
I particularly liked this phrase as it reminded me of many mornings at the neighbor's pond.
“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” - Mark Twain. I could say was, "Eww, no thanks. I'll have the bad day". This must have been Sadie's mantra for her frog hunting, but still... Floating frogs were always a nice capture. However, fighting frogs proved to be a little more interesting. It was amazing to me that in all the years that we have visited the pond, this seemed to be the first time I had ever seen a frog frenzy like that. It just goes to show that nature is full of surprises and we've not seen everything yet even though we think we have. That's just the nature of things 'round here. |