"These same females then gain full use of the territory to nest and raise the brood. The males chase off all other males," the post continued.
Author Noah Strycker wrote in his book "The Thing With Feathers", that the Aztecs named a hummingbird as their god of war and that when Aztec warriors died they believed they would return to earth as hummingbirds.
Strycker wrote that hummingbirds don't have "the weaponry to inflict serious damage on each other. Their beaks are softer and more sensitive than they appear."
The hummers seem to use both verbal and physical aggression.
I had two feeders out, but it didn't matter. The aerial skirmishes continued.
This year, my husband stated he saw at least a dozen combative flyers around the garden.
The post said, "... Some hummingbird species are less territorial and share feeders peacefully. The ruby-throated hummingbird is known to be the most territorial. We find that even our ruby-throated hummingbirds will share feeders in the late summer before the fall migration."