'I wonder if we are still on the path.'"
A recent spat of snow had me reminiscing about the song "Walking in a Winter Wonderland." The song was written in 1934 by Felix Bernard. A search of several internet sites claimed the song is about a couple in love strolling on a winter's night. However, I prefer to do my wintertime strolling during the daytime. After viewing coyotes and other nighttime visitors on the trail cameras, I think we will stick to the daylight hours. Nonetheless, I will say that it truly was walking in a winter wonderland the first morning after the significant snowfall. The forest dramatically changed overnight. Every single tree and shrub was outlined in white. Of course when we walked during the snowstorm, it was a wonderland too, as in "I wonder if we are still on the path." However, when we traverse our paths as the snow is falling, is very peaceful. It was so silent and quiet. While I didn't hear sleigh bells as the song stated, I did hear the snowplow coming down the hill as it utilized its engine brake. |
Of course reflections of snowy branches were also brilliant.
The photos were quite a contrast with the blue hues of the bird against snowy backdrops.
Dark-eyed juncos, chickadees, tufted titmice and more winter in the region.
So if the song was indeed about a couple walking at night, it is possible they were serenaded by an owl. If you have ever the mating calls of great-horned owls, I am not sure I would describe it as a song. I would perhaps call it more of a ruckus. However, some folks think rock music is just a ruckus too.
While my walking companions were not human, most of them enjoyed the snow.
The canines loved the snow. The St. Bernard and Newfoundland were bred for it and the bloodhound seemed to love sniffing it. They romped and stomped and tried to dig some unsuspecting critter out of hibernation. The goats seemed disgruntled by the appearance of the white stuff, but went along for the walk anyway. Nonetheless, they chomped on some snow-covered evergreen branches. Everyone did sport their orange for safety during hunting season. While my walk in a winter wonderland wasn't exactly like the song's lyrics, the wonderland part does seem accurate. I am always in awe of the change in scenery after a heavy snowfall. That's just the nature of things 'round here. |