It's those lane 5 and six swimmers that sometimes really come into play. The first five places earn team points, so my fellow photographer Christy Fackler told me last night. She should know, she has been photographing these kids for years because her kids are swimmers for Franklin. She says her youngest is finally going to graduate, but expects she's not done taking swimming photos any time soon. "I'll still come back and take pictures for the kids," she said.
But back to my lack of knowledge, I usually don't stay for the entire swim meets because of deadlines and frankly because they swim in winter and I dress for winter, but the pool is hot. I mean these kids are in bathing suits so it has to be. It takes awhile for equipment to stop fogging up, but by the time it does I'm usually roasting.
I go to make pictures and I admit, once my lenses stop fogging I have fun making photos even though I seldom even know what is going on. I need to write a note to self and remember to look at it before swim meets: dress lightly and go early!
You can see more photos at https://sayerrich.zenfolio.com/p367192748